The other night Suzie and I were enjoying a nice, relaxing soak in the hot tub. The wind was blowing pretty good and we were reveling in the whole sound and feel of the weather at that time, yakking away. Suddenly there was a cracking sound in the distance. It didn't register to me at first, but she knew right away--That was the sound of a tree breaking. We stared at the treeline--Frozen and on full alert. No tree ever fell, but let me tell you, it got our attention. We never really relaxed 100% after that. The night was light enough we would have no problems seeing one if it headed our way. Those are some tall trees back that direction!
I got a new crown in my mouth a few weeks ago after one of my teeth broke. It had to be trimmed and adjusted quite a bit when the dentist put it in, and I never was happy with it. It was like he got it put in there at a slight angle, because on the lower inside there was a small area where I obviously had some root exposure and would jump when my toothbrush hit it. He also had to take a lot off the opposite top side so my bite would meet correctly. Translation: Bad crown installation. I have had pain on that whole side of my face since that time, and I finally said enough is enough. I went back and told them that I was not happy with this crown and wanted a replacement. After studying the issues, it was agreed that they would make me another and alter it to make it a little longer so it extended down into the gum line a little farther. Now I have another temporary on (a nicely fitting one I might add!), and since that time my face has not throbbed at all. I was basically going to stop paying them until they got it right. Hopefully they will. I hate being at the mercy of a dentist. They hold out their hand and demand $500 (and that's after the insurance has paid some!) for services rendered. Would you pay $500 for a set of tires that didn't hold air? What about if one of them was out of round or popped off the rim? No, and we should treat dentistry the same as any other goods and services we pay for.
We had a great time up in Seattle last weekend. Suzie already posted all that in her blog, but I just thought I'd add a little "gloat" to my story. My nighttime pictures of the Seattle skyline were really good, and I have one on my computer at work as a wall paper. (this one) I got a few responses from people that basically were in awe about how pretty it is. I was eating it up. Little do they know how easy it is to take a night shot with a tripod and a remote. The camera still does all the work. It does make for a pretty dramatic desktop wallpaper though...
It's funny how much something as simple as Facebook can bring people together isn't it? You may not be together, but you are at least presented to each other as a communication option. To a somewhat dysfunctional family such as the one I come from, that is a good thing. Last night, for example, I sat and chatted on Facebook for a good half hour with my sister Denise. If we actually sat down and yakked in person (not all that likely because she lives up in Burien) we probably wouldn't yak all that much. All these relatives of different states, ages, families--We're all instantly accessible to each other. Suz has people from all over the place popping out of the woodwork. Previous marriages and families tend to create a lot of spreading family trees, and now she has almost all of them at her fingertips. Not everyone is very active on Facebook. They may not feel like talking, or know what to do or say, but that's okay. Sometimes when I don't know what to say I'll just post a picture (which is pretty simple to do) and I'll be surprised at the comments it draws out of people.
We have had unseasonably warm weather here for the last week or so. 50's and 60's in January?! Wow. The problem with that is, it almost makes it not worthwhile to start a wood fire in the stove. This morning it's back to lower 40's and rainy (our normal stuff) but I didn't start a wood fire. Why? Because when we have a blazing fire and are feeling all comfy, we tend to not want to leave. I just thought that we might want to go out and about today, and I don't want to create too nice of a home environment and cause us to sit in our robes all day.
Not that there's anything wrong with that... It is Saturday after all!
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