A Limerick For Mark!

Sue's brother Mark and his family are moving up this way soon from Utah.  Mark is a guy that appreciates garage-type things, and is a lover of classic bicycles and Volkswagens.  It became apparent recently that he was putting some of his prized goods up for sale before the move.  I don't know the details, but I felt that it was something not to be taken lightly.

That put my mind into rhyming gear, and I chose one of my favorite rhyming mediums:  The Limerick.  While it's not a long one, the thought is there.

This is for you Mark!
Mark is a Volkswagen man
who is moving his entire clan.
When he took stock of his stuff
he found it was tough
to fit all of his goods in a van.

For an easier move he could tell
that his "baby" he needed to sell
the ragtop, his treasure
and that gave him no pleasure
but for his family he'd bid it farewell.

Selling a guy's project car
can leave an emotional scar,
and it is even more so
when you know there is no
other like it either here or afar.

The accumulation of car stuff takes time
and costs many a nickel and dime,
so to let any go
is most surely a blow
to a fellow that loves grease and grime.

Moving can be quite a chore
whether local or to faraway shore.
Because we accrue
there is so much to do
when we pack boxes ready to store.

Just remember in the midst of it all,
when everything you do seems to stall:
You can always just ask
if you need help with a task
Be it email or a telephone call.


Anonymous said...

Very nice! I'm sure Mark will appreciate the sentiment. Very thoughtful. -Rach

Anonymous said...

Who knew it, my brother in law is a poet, and I didn't even know it!!