The Neon Enigma - Solved!

That sounds pretty mysterious doesn't it?  I'm just talking about my lowly Plymouth Neon, and my arduous journey seeking its mechanical harmony.

Although I'm a product of a highly mechanical lifestyle, the cars nowadays are puzzling.  I am still very much able to do repairs of certain systems of a vehicle, but the cars are no longer mechanical devices like they once were.  Now they are electronic machines.

My method of troubleshooting a problem of runnability is one consisting of two parts Google, one part replacement of car part, and 4 parts hope. It's a pretty lousy formula.  Up until now it hasn't helped me a whole lot.

One of the earliest items that I had suspected was the one I just replaced this weekend:  The camshaft position sensor.  Although it's just one of many sensors that make an engine run these days, everything I read about it on the internet told me that it would be highly unlikely to be the culprit.  Truth is, maybe it wasn't the culprit.  While I was replacing it, I also cleaned and sealed a few electrical connectors going to other various places under the hood.  Maybe it was one of those connectors.

I waited until now to drive it a couple more times to make sure, but the bottom line is, my car finally runs fantastic!

Now if I could just find out what makes it clunk so badly when I hit bumps...