After the headache went away I was left with this residue:
Cranial Cobwebs
The cobwebs in my aging brain
are continually conspiring
to make it such a monumental strain
to dredge thoughts I'm requiring.
Maybe it's the years of use
that have taken a heavy toll,
or maybe I've run out of space
in my cranial dust bowl?
At one time it was easy to see
the corners of my mental room
but now it's dark and dimly lit
and filled with hazy gloom.
Although my head seems packed
with murkiness and sludge
it still seems plenty able
to dish out opinions or to judge.
I have to focus hard on things
to do them well enough,
but that's another problem
because focusing is tough.
I can remember things like
who sang what and when,
the characters of movies
and other roles they're in.
I remember all the trivial stuff;
it easily comes to me,
but ask what I must do today
and blank I'll likely be.
There is short term memory
and long term so they say, but
I really wish that I could recall
the stuff I need today.
Sue gets frustrated at my lack
of remembering certain tasks.
Like what to do or what to buy
the first time that she asks.
I feel so badly when I fail--
it's not for lack of trying,
and when I say I don't recall
it's not that I am lying.
If I could really concentrate
I'd probably be okay
but that ability, like I said,
was lost along the way.
Perhaps I burnt too many cells
with fun like drugs and booze,
but what if I stayed pure and good
and still had missing screws?
Rick Williams
What's prowess? Maggie
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