My early years of learning were spent at Algona elementary school. While the school itself is unfortunately gone, what
does live on are a few of my friends from that era. Although I am somewhat connected with a few of the people from that day and age via Facebook, there is only one of them I ever manage to see in person from time to time, and that's Karla Cruz. Being the musician she is (she's also a
published author) I get to see her sing and play guitar every now and then.
Friday night she played at a place in Renton called
Luther's Table. Near as I can tell, It's some sort of a 'church - bar & restaurant. Their website paints a picture of a church that serves food and drink, but my opinion of it was that it is most definitely first and foremost a bar and restaurant. It's a really nice place--nearly new and very stylish and elegant. They even have covered parking. At any rate, there was enough uncertainty that Suzie decided against going, and went instead with Shirley, Rachyl, and Keith on their
Friday night adventure.

I've seen her play only once before and it was nothing like Friday night. That first time was an outdoor venue (Renton River Days) with a full, electric band. Friday night it was just her--Karla at her best--just she and her guitar. It was excellent sound, excellent music, great ambiance--it was just an all around great experience. When she sang To Sir, With Love I had to put my camera down. It was a blast from the past that completely reeled me in with her flawless rendition. I loved it!
Yesterday was very different.
It started out very ordinary. I had promised to stop by my folks' house to fix their privacy gate that leads from their back yard out to the alley, so that was my first order of business. That went without a hitch. It was a very easy repair, and I visited with them for a while afterwards. We all just basically stood around back by the gate talking about stuff. It was a nice, sunny day so it was enjoyable.

Not long after I got home, we hopped into my car and went to Snoqualmie Falls. Why? Well, plainly a case of guerrilla photography, we planned to stalk and document a very important event that was about to unfold there: Dane proposing marriage to Chelsea. You couldn't have asked for a more perfect day for it. There was lots of sun, and the weather was in the upper 60's easily. We meandered around, scoping out the grounds, noting places and access to viewing that Dane might choose. What made it weird was that we didn't know when they were getting there or where they were actually headed to on the grounds. We finally decided that Suz would hang out at this certain spot up near one of the falls viewing areas and I went down near the parking lot areas. I found myself a spot where I could see cars coming into the nearside parking lot as well as being able to see foot traffic coming over the bridge from the far-side parking lot. After not too long I saw them and called Sue. Dane had placed a blindfold over Chelsea's eyes and was carefully leading her while two female friends followed behind--one capturing the entire thing on video. I felt like a sniper as I hurried from sidewalk to sidewalk while keeping parallel to them on the upper pathway they were on. It went well.
Congratulations Dane and Chelsea!
Awww....How heart-warming and moving and so much fun to include others in such an important event to share. Now I want to hear all about Chelsea. We're so happy for Dane, and look forward to their happy life together.
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