Let's address our new computers first off. Suz said a little about them in her blog the other day, but I just want to say how nice it is to have some reliable speed for a change. I'm one of those people that gets a lot of mileage out of a computer. I use it often, and I wring everything I can out of one before giving up on it. I tend to just replace parts that fail as they're needed. This computer upgrade was an upgrade in hardware for both of us. While both of us had "capable" computers, they were both having their problems. When I saw the ad in Craigslist (where else?) for a couple of matching Dell computers with good ingredients I had to act. We both previously had 2 gigs of ram each, but we both were suffering in the processor department, and both of us had USB problems. Nowadays, you need good USB capabilities because almost everything runs on it. So now, after combining a few things and buying a few others, we both have matching "his & hers" brain boxes with fast processors, lots of ram, and lots of storage. They work well, work fast, and cost little.
While we're on technology, let me mention my new phone. I'm officially a member of the cell phone world now. Okay, I've already had a cell phone for a few years, but it was always a prepaid variety (I call them toy phones). That meant I had to be stingy with my usage. Suzie's daughter, Rachyl, has a cell account that their whole family "buys into" every month and now I'm in on that plan. With unlimited texts and lots of minutes, coupled with my new Nokia phone, I feel I'm actually a cell user. Although I'm not much of a yakker and never have been, I do like to text. I like getting them and sending them both. Now I can actually receive and send pictures and stuff too. I recently got a data cable that even adds more usability to my phone. Now I can put almost anything I want right onto the phone in live time by dragging and dropping it from the computer. What a geek eh?
It's been a good week. A week filled with, "Hi honey--I'm home!" every time I come home from work. I love coming home to this place. I knew I would, but I had certain trepidations that I've already gone over in previous blogs. Although I don't feel like going over previous posts to see if any of them actually were issues, I can honestly say everything is good here. Okay, almost everything. Occasionally we have an overdose of dog barking at the wrong time of night. The bad thing is that at night you can't see them in the crosshairs of your rifle. Okay, I'm kidding about that last part (mostly).
It's been a good week for us and Keith too. He pretty much played the phantom whenever possible up until this week. He would be here a little, but mostly not. This last week he spent the whole week here! Every time we were going somewhere to shop for something and I asked if he wanted to go, he came along. We both think he's liking the fact that he's being included in things. That's good for me, because being an instant step-parent is not something to be taken lightly in any circumstance. This situation was sort of unique because he is the only one still "at home" but is also over the age of 18. That means that you have to just get along and really can't expect anything else. The good news is that we are getting along fine.
Sarah was out of town all week with her mom, visiting her mom's friend Karen over on the other side of the state. Those of you that have followed my blog since the days of it's previous incarnation will remember those annual trips they always made and how much I loved them. That was like a vacation to me then when I had the house to myself. Anyway, now Sarah likes the fact that we can exchange pictures on our cells. She has had that capability for quite a while, but she liked it when I sent her pictures of her kittycats in a text message last week. She's still anxiously awaiting news from PLU about who she'll get for a roommate when she starts college this fall.
I spent a good weekend around the house. Saturday it was mostly working in the garage--Moving things, hanging things, and generally making more room. It was a hot day, and farting around in the ceiling area, putting things away in the rafters was no picnic. Yesterday was much more low-key. I puttered about fixing things here and there mostly. All weekend (Friday included) we were serenaded by the lovely sounds of nearby Pacific Raceways. This was the weekend of their version of the Superbowl, called the NHRA Northwest Nationals. Let me tell you, when top fuel dragsters and funny cars pair off, it literally shakes the ground! As noisy as it is, it's still a pretty cool thing. Maybe it's because I'm a part-time gear head...
Well, that should suffice for a blog for now. I know I've failed to mention lots of things, but that's okay. I think the problem was mostly due to the computer upgrades. Usually when I sit down with my morning coffee I have very little to do, but the last couple weeks have been filled with loading software, tweaking, and adjusting things. That's pretty much finished now, so we'll see if things improve.
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