But the area outside of town has changed a lot.

There was lots of wandering wildlife that we came into contact with as well. People that were centered in town might never see them, but because we had rented a house down near the bottom it was different. We saw deer everywhere. It wasn't uncommon to have multiple deer sightings in one day. I walked up to one of them and managed to get pretty close before he finally decided I was close enough and slowly wandered away. We had a gang of raccoons that visited our house each night, uncaring about how close we were to them. We saw them first on Friday night when we were in the hot tub, then a little after that they were on the upstairs deck. They did a repeat the next night. I guess word gets out in the animal kingdom when a house is inhabited. We also had sightings of a dolphin, a seal, pelicans, bald eagles, as well as the more common seagulls and crows.
As I said before we had rented a house. All of Sue's kids and their respective family members were there, and Sarah and Sopha came along too. Even though it was a big house, it was a full one. All 4 bedrooms and all of the couches were used by various people.
Friday night we all went to the main beach near town for some pictures. That's the only real beach you can drive on, and it's very wide and firm. It was just after sundown, and the idea was to get pictures of Tony's Jeep charging through the edge of the surf. As Sue found out, you can get too close. We had a great time there, with lots of good pictures being taken of the Jeep as the different people kept "taking a turn" at swirling around and doing donuts and stuff.

Yesterday was mine and Suzie's anniversary. 1 year! So what did we do? Nothing. I felt bad--I still feel bad. I talked with her about it before we went down for the weekend--About how frustrated I felt that it was our first anniversary and we were going to be spending it in a chaotic, family, communal environment. To top it off, she surprised me with a really nice leather jacket (dressy-style) yesterday morning at breakfast. What did I have to give her? Nothing. Nada. I felt (and still feel like) the world's biggest idiot. I planned to buy her a camera lens, but wanted to hold out until next weekend for a big sale event in Seattle. But did I get her anything for a "place holder" even? No. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
We drove home in rain yesterday. We (me, Sarah, and Sopha) left ahead of everyone else because they wanted to make another stop in town or something so I thought. While they were there they went back over to the beach to fly kites again. Apparently Suzie was helping a guy re-launch his kite and its string pulled her feet out from under her and she lit hard on packed sand--Flat on her back. She's in a lot of pain from that. Add the fact that I wasn't there for her during that to my "I'm stupid" list...
Anyway, it's good to be home.
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