How would you know if you weren't seeing it all if you weren't seeing it all?
Apparently only part of it is showing up. Instead of an off-white background they see a brown background, and the whole right side containing the menu, the links, etc. is missing completely. That could create quite a problem. For all I know, there is no way to post comments or anything else.
Sue told me about it last night. I guess Rachyl was complaining to her that my blog was "unreadable" from her computer at work. They use (gasp!) Internet Explorer. Suzie showed me the same unreadable page when she opened it on her Internet Explorer too. Weird. I tested it on my Internet Explorer when I first set it all up and it was fine. To check, I opened it again in IE and it was fine. Weird. Then I checked versions. The IE on Suzie's computer was version 6, and that is old enough to be basically shunned and unsupported even by people that do use Internet Explorer. We both use Firefox and encourage everyone else to do so as well, but that's another story.
So, how do I pose this scenario to my readers? Here's what I came up with: I thought, "Why don't I just made a picture of this blog and people can click on it. I picture that shows what they should be looking at. Then I carried it one step further: Could I get the screen shot to show the picture of the screen shot showing a picture of the screen shot?

Okay, maybe my mind works in mysterious ways enough as it is.
So here's the deal: Click the picture below to look at a full size version of it. Does what you see look like this? Does yours look anything different?
It was kinda fun to do it so it came up looking like a picture of a picture with everything the same, but I thought it was an interesting thing to try.
If you can't see everything the same as the picture, I suggest you upgrade your browser. I suspect that the only people having this trouble are using an old version of Internet Explorer, but I could be wrong. That is why I'm asking this question today. If you are not using the latest version, you should upgrade it. It's free! What are you waiting for?
If you can't see it correctly and you can't fix it with a browser upgrade or whatever, leave me a comment. I'll put my comment link RIGHT HERE so you can see it.
Tell me about it if you have problems with it.
I like the picture of the repeating lights - KP
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