They have been working on something in secret for several months now. The brothers have had several days where they have been "in a meeting" for half the day and not accessible except for emergency. There have been "auditors" (their words) in and out a few times. They were shown the facility in much the same way that they give tours to prospective customers. There has been lots of counting and taking stock of things lately. They are normally very diligent at record-keeping and bean counting to begin with, but the depth that they have us taking inventory lately is unsurpassed. There have been meetings here and there with a few supervisors. Somber meetings. They are even selling some perfectly good raw materials as scrap "to get them out of our way", and as anyone that knows them knows, they never get rid of anything.
They are telling the people in their little meetings that they are doing all this for the purpose of garnering a larger line of credit for more expansion. Baloney. The youngest of two of them just turned 70 years old, and there is no heir waiting in line to take over the company.
What pisses me off is that they are doing all this on the sly. Not only are they not telling anyone what really is going on, they are telling people that something totally different is going on--Apparently with the intent of throwing us off the trail.
Today they are actually shutting down production at noon and sending part of the work force home. The rest of us (in their words: The ones that can count reliably) are going to start an in-depth inventory of everything in the building. It will be a long day today. Or days. It's probably going to take several days to get this thing done.
Do they think we're stupid? Oh wait--Of course they do. It's been common knowledge (they let it slip from time to time in certain company) that they think their employees are idiots. To them, only they are smart enough to make anything work right.
Sure, there is the possibility of people losing the will to work hard at a job that is spiraling down a drain, but for crying out loud--We have a right to know. Many of us have worked there for a lot of years. We need to make plans. If I'm right, there are going to be a lot of surprised people one day in the future.
Me? I'm already job hunting.
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