- It was in Enumclaw, Washington.
- It was 1986, a time when you could knock on 50 doors in a town and would be lucky if you found one that had a computer.
There were several reasons for this, and among them were:
- Computers were expensive.
- Computers came in many "flavors".
- Nobody needed one.
For the most part, none of these companies' software would run on anyone else's computers.

While I never sold a computer, I did keep businesses in the surrounding areas taken care of in other areas, like printer ribbons and other supplies, but there was no money in that. Lucky for me, the boss had me on a minimum wage so I wouldn't starve. If nothing else, I got the word out that we existed and were there to serve them any way we could. The business never found their identity. They never figured out (nor did the industry) what kind of computers they were actually going to sell, and that was another problem. Add to that: Computers were both expensive and quickly obsolete. Did a store want to invest a lot of money in a product that was going to sit on display for 6 months? It would have been obsolete before then. Things were changing that fast back then.
Working there was also my first brush with a real geek. I have no idea what his name was (nor does it matter) but we had a kid in high school that did our tech work. He would show up after school, put on his static-discharge wrist strap, and disappear into the back. He was even complete with braces. How can you beat that? I was sort of in awe of him as I recall... Here was a kid that knew the insides of computers! He made me feel insignificant without even doing anything.
We had a small room in the place that had the computers (all Kaypros) lined up. It was the place where people could sit down and test drive the new machines to their hearts content. Because all the Kaypros there had so many apps on the load disk you really could try out several aspects of what they could do: Word processing, spreadsheet, etc. They also hosted beginning computer user classes there once a month for people that wanted to see what this "new computer thing" was all about. During the Christmas I worked there, I gave my parents each a class for a gift. I was poor then, and it was about all I could come up with. They did go, and they seemed to have fun.
Yeah, that was an interesting time. A "thriving" computer store with an owner that popped in whenever he found time from his real job, one high-school techie, one outside salesman, and one full-time inside employee that made copies all day.
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