It started with me meeting some of Suzie's friends on Friday. After work we were sitting here and one of our neighbors stopped by. They live right around the corner, but are living with someone else while their house is being redone after a fire. They just both happened to be there at the same time. When they stopped by, Suz invited them for dinner and we all enjoyed a pot of leftover stew (it was a big pot!) that we reheated on the wood stove. Nice people, good visit.
Saturday continued with me meeting new people, but this one was prearranged. We spent the first part of Saturday getting things in order in the house. She cooked a pot of one of our favorite soups and had a gathering over for the evening. Again, nice folks! We had four adults and two kids, Dane was also there. He was specifically invited so everyone could celebrate a recent achievement in his church. It was a great evening.
Yesterday we did something different. I was surfing around during my coffee and happened across a site with "ghost towns" on it. I was reading about an interesting one and found that it was right up the highway from us! Suzie was very interested so we set out with our cameras.
There were various items strewn about half buried, like steel cable and stuff like that. some mining car tracks, and other stuff. This section of track was elevated about 30 feet or so to span the gully:

It was a pretty cool to find something like this so close to home. It was an excellent way to spend a nice day!
Instead of referring to it as a "church" maybe you can start calling it what it really is and educate them! Then they'll all know it's the "Kingdom Hall". Maybe you can put "their 'church'" in parenthesis after it to explain.
Yeah, I know, picky, picky.
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