Now on to moving the house stuff...
Sarah had a tonsillectomy yesterday. I don't know if that's the proper term for it or not, but let's just say she went under the knife to have them removed. She as had nothing but trouble with her tonsils for some time now, so it's about time it was finally addressed. I had the same sort of problems when I was a kid, but back then they were much quicker to hack, so I had mine out when I was much younger. She has pretty much exhausted all other avenues. I stopped by last night and took her some KFC potatoes and gravy (her request). She was pretty lethargic but seemed to be doing pretty well.
I had an interesting evening the other night. I had just driven up to Sue's (I have to start using "our") house with a huge load of garage stuff. The gate was open next to the house, but there were things in the way so I couldn't just drive back to the garage with it. I walked around back and there's Suzie--In the hot tub.
"Drop your clothes," she ordered, "I've got everything here." She motioned to the table next to her where beer, cheeses, crackers, olives, and pickled asparagus sat waiting.
"I need to get this unloaded," I protested, "It's a lot of stuff."
"It can wait," she said.
I took another look at the bare woman in the hot tub and stripped right there on the deck.
Now that's what I call a "welcome home" greeting!
I don't think I blogged my work chair did I? Last Friday at work I walked upstairs at lunch time with my sandwich like I always do--Ready to wolf it down and grab a nap.
My chair was gone.
I looked all around the general area, thinking at first that it was a joke and that someone had hidden it. I started to get a little annoyed at this point--After all, this was eating into my nap time. My search widened to the whole shop. Nothing. The word got out and others joined the search later on, and still nothing. I don't mind telling you: I was some kinda pissed. My lunch was ruined and my chair was gone. My chair, bought with my money for the sole purpose of enhancing my lunchtime experience. Well, the chair never produced itself, and yesterday I took a new chair to work. This one is a little more fancy--It's a folding recliner:

It's not quite a perfect fit for me because I'm fairly tall, but it's very comfortable nevertheless.
If this one is stolen I give up...
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