At a time when all efforts should be concentrated on moving, we instead planned a garage sale on Saturday. On one hand it would have been good to just take a bunch of stuff to the Goodwill store and dump it--That would have freed up valuable time to move loads of stuff. On the other hand, you just hate to "dump" some stuff on the Goodwill, you know? Some stuff is more valuable than "free" but not worthy of putting it in an ad to sell by itself. Anyway, when all was said and done we netted a little over $60 and (this is a BIG and) got rid of a LOT of stuff (lots of free things). Even though it wasn't an earth-shattering day of productivity, considering how much stuff we got rid of it was a good day. To cap off the day we went to a local Mexican restaurant and blew half of it on a great meal and a couple of well-deserved margaritas. (Side note to self: Don't order "blended" next time... Too much brain freeze.)
Today was really all over the map, productivity-wise. Okay wait--The way I'm going here it's going to take forever to explain today. To make a long story short I'll try to condense the weekend:
Suzie spent all day Friday prepping a painting a room in her house that her son Dane used to reside in for the purpose of putting my stuff in. She also put an ad on Craigslist for the bed that was in that room.
We spent all day Saturday working the garage sale, yakking it up with garage sale customers, and general wheeling and dealing. My landlord's wife and son stopped by and we talked about the fact that their daughter is going to be living there after I leave. She took pictures of my washer & dryer, my living room set, and a bedroom set that I have for sale. Those are all my big items, and that would be so nice if they would buy them so we didn't have to move them! Afterward we went to a couple stores looking for a picture frame for me to give my dad for Father's Day.
Today we went back out for a picture frame, and I ended up getting the first one we had seen the other day. It was the best choice. I put two pictures in it from our wedding (me & dad, and mom & dad) in it, and it looked great. We stuffed my truck with a load to haul to her house, and stopped at my folks' house to give him his picture. He and mom both loved it! We continued to Suzie's house to unload.
She had placed an ad on Craigslist for Dane's old bed and it was sitting out waiting for someone that was supposed to show up to buy it. After we unloaded everything in the truck, I came back home. I, too, was awaiting a guy to show up to buy something--In my case an old audiophile-quality turntable I had for sale. At this point we were both in our respective homes awaiting deals to be completed. The deals involved a lot of time wasting waiting for people to show up, which was just as well really, because the weather turned crappy and we wouldn't have gotten much moved anyway. When all was said and done, she moved her extra bed for $40 and I sold my turntable for $260. As you might imagine, it was a very high-quality turntable...
Now I'm sitting in less and less of a home. There are huge holes and gaps everywhere where things used to be. Furniture missing and whole areas devoid of anything. We both feel very good about how well things are going. I'll be moved into my wife's house by the end of next week!
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