My computer still sits here like an island in a room largely devoid of anything else. And to add a small level of reassurance, it's still the same messy computer desk it always is. The same box of tissues on the corner, the same pens, receipts, fingernail clippers, and things that never find their way any further than where they are always sitting.
Over in the corner of the room sits a lamp, burning brightly, but lacking the table it spent its last several years on. It's as if it's saying, "I'm down here, but see? I can still function--Don't forget about me!" The desk is gone, the file cabinet, the bed--All gone. All the little crap that filled my closet--All gone.
Yes, the place is pretty empty. When Suz and I took the main bed out last night and put that up at her house it was pretty much necessity on her part. She had sold her bed and would otherwise be sleeping on her couch. I got to sleep in my guest bed last night, and that's fine because it's a good quality bed and almost new. It was weird being in a different room though.
Everywhere around me there are indentations in the carpet where things have sat undisturbed since they were first brought into this place. Believe me, there is the dust to go with it. This morning I had to chase down two of those speeding black spiders--Obviously wondering where all their hiding places have gone.
The downstairs has looked weird since I sold the kitchen table last week, but that's about all that looks different down there so far. It's mostly up here and in the garage.
It's time to post a few large items on Craigslist. I certainly don't want to be moving the couch and love seat or washer and dryer if I don't have to. I also hope there isn't much of a problem when I unbolt my safe from the closet floor. I know the carpet indents will be there--I just hope the floor is okay where the bolts are screwed in. Either way, I'll have to fix whatever is there, but I just want it to not be too difficult.
Yep, I'm almost outta here.
Cookie and i enjoyed our first night together on our new bed! Thanks! What was your name again?
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