I'm sitting here at my computer, newly laid out (last night) next to Suzie's computer, both of which have a nice view of the front yard and driveway. I've got my coffee cup, sitting here in my bathrobe, and occasionally stopping to offer a loving scratch to Cookie, my "new" kittycat. We transferred the cable to this address yesterday, so her DSL will be discontinued soon in favor of the cable (it's all about speed baby!) internet instead. All of my stuff is here with the exception of the kitchen stuff. Can I find anything? I haven't been here long enough to need to find anything yet, but so far-so good.
We finished up our day really late last night. The last of the big items that I didn't need any longer sold yesterday: The living room set. We dragged them out at the end of my (old) driveway and put a sign on them, and not long after that the Pug Lady bought them.
Oh, I didn't tell you about the Pug Lady?
When we had the garage sale last weekend, we had a customer that lived nearby that seemed to be most interested in helping out a neighbor of hers that had recently moved in. "She has nothing," she said as she described her. That's a nice neighbor to have, no? Well, she kinda bothered me. She struck me as scatterbrained, but that wasn't really the issue.
It was her eyes.
You know how Pug dogs look? Their eyes are sort of looking "around" you instead of "at" you? That's her. She has short hair and those eyes. Although she was kinda dim and looked like a Pug, she was one of our best customers last Saturday. During the sale I mentioned that I also had a living room set, and she expressed an interest in that. Considering how long it took her to come up with the money to buy the dresser or whatever it was that she bought last weekend I was reluctant to allow her to become too interested in the living room set for fear that she would want me to hold it for X amount of time or something similar. We needed stuff gone NOW.
Imagine my surprise when just moments after driving by yesterday and seeing the set out at the end of the driveway, the doorbell rang. I opened the door to the Pug Lady waving a handful of cash at me. Like I said before, she's an awful nice neighbor to be shopping for someone else the way she does, but I'm just glad that I was able to move the last of the big items.
We spent the rest of the day alternating between moving loads, resting, and cleaning. The apartment is almost finished. Empty the kitchen, clean the kitchen, and clean the garage--That's it.
Here I am, in my new home!
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